Post Office Will Kits vs. Legal Services: Making an Informed Choice



Planning for the future and ensuring the distribution of assets after one’s passing is an important consideration for everyone. One of the crucial elements in estate planning is creating a valid and comprehensive will. Traditionally, seeking legal assistance from a lawyer has been the go-to option for drafting a will. However, in recent years, Post Office Will Kits have emerged as a seemingly convenient and cost-effective alternative. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both Post Office Will Kits and legal services, helping you make an informed choice when it comes to creating your will.

Post Office Will Kits:

Post Office Will Kits are DIY will templates that can be purchased from the post office or online platforms. These kits generally consist of a pre-printed form that provides a basic framework for drafting a will. The process involves filling in the necessary information, such as the testator’s details, beneficiaries, and distribution of assets. The cost of these kits is typically lower than hiring a lawyer, making them an attractive option for those on a tight budget.

Pros of Post Office Will Kits:

  • Cost-effective: Post Office Will Kits are often significantly cheaper than legal services, making them accessible to a wider range of individuals.
  • Convenience: The availability of these kits at local post offices or online platforms allows individuals to create their wills at their own convenience and in the comfort of their own homes.

Cons of Post Office Will Kits:

  • Limited customization: Post Office Will Kits provide a basic template that may not cater to complex situations. If your circumstances require specific clauses or provisions, these kits might not be sufficient to meet your needs.
  • Lack of legal expertise: DIY wills lack the expertise and legal guidance that a qualified attorney can provide. This can result in errors or omissions that may render the will invalid or open to interpretation.

Legal Services:

Hiring a lawyer or engaging legal services for will preparation involves consulting with a qualified professional who specializes in estate planning. This option ensures that your will is tailored to your unique circumstances, provides expert advice, and considers potential complications that could arise after your passing.

Pros of Legal Services:

  • Tailored to your needs: Legal professionals can customize your will according to your specific wishes and circumstances, including provisions for trusts, guardianship, tax planning, and more.
  • Expertise and guidance: Lawyers possess the knowledge and expertise to ensure your will is legally sound and complies with relevant laws. They can offer valuable advice on estate planning strategies and help navigate complex legal matters.

Cons of Legal Services:

  • Higher cost: Engaging legal services for will preparation can be more expensive compared to using a Post Office Will Kit. The cost varies depending on the complexity of your estate and the lawyer’s rates.
  • Time-consuming: Collaborating with a lawyer may involve several meetings, discussions, and document revisions, potentially prolonging the process compared to using a DIY kit.


Deciding between a Post Office Will Kit and legal services ultimately depends on your individual circumstances, the complexity of your estate, and your comfort level with DIY approaches. While Post Office Will Kits offer affordability and convenience, they may lack the expertise and customization required for more complex situations. Legal services, on the other hand, provide professional guidance, customization, and legal expertise, ensuring that your will accurately reflects your wishes and stands up to legal scrutiny.



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