How To Improve Public Speaking Skills And Rock Those Presentations

How To Improve Public Speaking Skills And Rock Those Presentations

Have you ever found yourself in a situation behind a podium where your legs start to shake and your words refuse to corporate? Well, you’re not alone. Public speaking is perhaps one of the most intimidating tasks you’ll experience in your career. Especially, if you are fresh to the whole notion. According to many psychologists, public speaking is one of the most common reasons behind anxiety. However, developing public speaking skills is very important. Not only for your future career but also for your academic life. Confidence plus good speaking skills equals impressive presentations!

Excited much? But before getting your hopes high, listen to what we are about to tell you. Developing good public speaking skills is far from easy. Not only do you have to work on your language skills, but you also have to overcome your social anxiety. Don’t be scared, you have us! Rushpaperwriters is an online learning community for learners like you. It gives you access to unlimited top Academic Writing Services and also to a huge number of professionals willing to answer all of your academic calls. This means that we can also help you improve your public speaking skills to nail your presentations. Without any more chattering, let’s get to business.

Choose An Interesting Topic

When it comes to public speaking, you have to make sure to keep your audience engaged. No one wants to waste their time listening to facts and monotonous scripts. Therefore, the first step to good public speaking is to choose a topic that would excite your public. We know, you might not get the chance to choose the topic you have to work with. Henceforth, a good public speaker has the talent to engage his audience in whatever boring topic he is supposed to present. An interesting topic also gives you the room to rephrase your argument and add your creativity.

Know Your Audience

When it comes to public speaking it is always important to know your audience. You cannot talk about Math theorems and scientific progressions in front of 10-year-olds, right? Therefore, it is important to know the audience in front of whom you are presenting. Knowing your audience also helps you understand their backgrounds so you can connect with them and engage them. An interactive presentation includes asking questions and involving the audience. It is thus important that you know their backgrounds; ethnicity, culture, jobs, etc.

Use Your Body Language

A good presentation is always a marriage between verbal words and nonverbal gestures. Your audience notices your nonverbal gestures a lot, thus working on your nonverbal gestures will heavily improve your presentations. Nonverbal gestures include posture, eye contact, facial expressions, hand gestures, movement, and so on. While giving a public presentation, you have to know that you are the spotlight of the room. Every eye in the room would be fixated on you. Therefore, avoid slouching and stand up straight. Your gestures should be welcoming for your audience so that they don’t hesitate in building a connection with you. Once you’ve successfully made a connection with your audience, congratulations you’re being heard. Lastly, please don’t act like a dummy by standing still. Move around a little!

Smile More!

How many of you remember your teachers from childhood who would occasionally smile at you? I am sure most of you do. Your happy memories would be associated with those teachers. Now, how about those who would just keep a stern face? No one wants to remember Miss Trunchbull. Similar is the case with public speaking. Your audience will only appreciate and remember your presentation based on their experience with you. Smiling at your audience once in a while will let them know that you appreciate them bearing with you. In addition, a few jokes here and there won’t hurt to break the monotonous flow of boring ideas.

Learn From The Experts

Can we all just agree on how easy our favorite public speakers make it look like? Honestly, at one point I was convinced to give up everything and become a public speaker. Why? I blame the speakers of Ted Talks to make it look so easy. Believe me, friends, it is not! The motivational/ public speakers who inspire you a lot have only come this far through experience. Therefore, spare some time to learn from your inspirations. For this purpose, you can attend their workshops, online videos, and some public speeches. Closely observe what it is about their speech that makes them your favorite. You will observe a pattern that they follow to hook you up and it works like a charm every time. If it works for them, it might as well work for you.

Practice Makes Perfect

We cannot stress this enough. You are probably hearing this phrase since your childhood now. Trust me, there’s no lie in this. Even your favorite speakers have constantly practiced their skills a billion times before reaching where they are today. Rehearse your speech a hundred times before actually presenting it. Fun fact; the more you rehearse, the easier it will be to present. If you keep a track of your presentations, you will notice a positive change in your speaking skills every time. Your starting product will be completely different from your finished product (in a positive progressive way).


By now we believe that you’re ready to take on any presentation and nail it. The key to mastering the art of public speaking is to make your speech as engaging as possible. As we said, no one is interested to hear boring facts and monotonous speeches. Thus, if you are willing to improve your public speaking skills and catch the attention of your audience, practice the aforementioned techniques. We have faith in you and we believe that you have what it takes to become a successful public speaker. Lastly, if you need more guidance on improving your public speaking skills, know that we have much more to offer than top Academic Writing Services. You know where to find us, best of luck!


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