5 Essentials to Buy Before Adopting a Cat


Cats are amazing companions. If you’ve just adopted a cat or plan on bringing one home soon, getting ready for your new pet is essential. Although cats don’t require as much attention as other animals, there are several essentials that you must have on hand. Following are five of them.


1. Pet Insurance


Much like humans, animals need access to preventative care. Taking your cat to the vet at least once each year for a check-up will increase their life quality and set the stage for lasting good health. Routine check-ups give veterinarians the chance to identify developing health issues before they spiral out of control. These visits are also a great opportunity for pet owners to get needs-specific advice on caring for their animals. Your vet can help you choose the best food for your new cat based on their breed, age, and general health. You can also work with a vet during these appointments to get tips on effective socialization and info for dealing with behavioral issues.


When choosing pet insurance, look for reputable, well-established companies. Read the fine print of policies before signing them and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what your out-of-pocket costs will be. A good pet insurance policy will cover at least one wellness visit each year and provide significant discounts on all emergency services and procedures.


2. Food


Your new cat will need both wet and dry food. The two can be mixed together to create an appealing combination that’s both nutrient-dense and satisfying. When shopping for cat food, look for needs-specific options rather than making price your top or sole consideration. Older cats have very different nutritional requirements from those of kittens, and certain breeds of cats may not be able to eat popular food choices at all. It helps to get guidance from your vet when making food choices, so consider scheduling your first vet visit right away. Don’t load upon one specific food type or food brand before consulting with the veterinarian first.


You should also pick up a food bowl and a water dish. Make sure that the dishes you choose are accessible to your cat, durable, and unlikely to leach harmful chemicals. If you live in an area where field mice or other small pests are common, look for food dishes that can be covered or completely sealed during the nighttime hours.


3. Grooming Supplies


Although cats groom themselves, your cat will still need a fair amount of help from you. You should have a quality bristle brush, a fine-toothed comb, and a toothbrush for your cat. You should also invest in nail clippers and pet wipes. Regularly trimming your cat’s claws will keep your furnishings and any other cherished items in your home protected from scratch marks and other damages.


Cats scratch indoor items as a way of sharpening their claws. Clipping their claws limits this behavior. You should also invest in a scratching post and plenty of cat toys.


4. Kitty Litter and a Litter Box


Although there are videos of trained cats using and flushing the toilet, don’t expect this to be your cat. Going to the bathroom in a litter box and covering it is both natural and instinctive for cats. While price is often important, there are several factors that should take precedent over cost when choosing kitty litter. For instance, you want your cat’s litter to be as dust-free as possible. Shuffling through dusty cat litter to cover their own waste can leave cats with respiratory problems. Moreover, when you have to clean the litter box, the dusty litter will prove detrimental to your own lungs as well. New pet owners are also advised to look for litter that’s unscented and ultra-absorbent. Litter doesn’t need lots of heavy perfumes when it has a high level of absorbency and when litter boxes are regularly cleaned.


If you’ve got a busy schedule and don’t have a lot of time to clean up after your pet, search for a modern cat litter box rather than a basic one. Some of the latest products are designed to effectively prevent cat litter messes on the floors. There are even self-cleaning options, litter boxes that offer higher levels of privacy for cats, and options with multiple configurations. The more needs-specific your litter box is, the more likely your pet is to use it without incident.


5. Identification Tags, Collars, and Local Licensing as Required


Protect your cat by getting them an identification tag, a good collar, and any licensing that’s required in your area. Licensing your pet allows you to officially establish ownership. ID tags and collars are important even for pet owners who intend to maintain largely indoor cats. If your pet slips out of the window or door, you’ll be glad that you took the time to pick up these essentials.


You’re guaranteed to add to your collection of cat supplies throughout the years. As you learn more about your pet’s preferences and temperament, you’ll get a better idea of which treats, foods, grooming supplies, and toys elicit the best responses. However, when you’re just starting out with a new cat, making sure to have these five essentials will make your life infinitely easier.





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