The world has changed. In the past year alone, we’ve seen a number of high-profile data breaches that have exposed millions of employee records and led to massive lawsuits. If you’re thinking about keeping track of your employees’ attendance but aren’t sure where to start or how to get started with an attendance tracker, then this blog post is for you!
It’s more than just a punch-in machine
The attendance tracker is more than just a punch-in machine. It’s an HRMS system that helps you manage all of your employees’ time and attendance, create payroll reports, and keep track of records. The attendance tracker also lets you view schedules in real-time so that you can quickly see who is late or leaving early from any location on your property.
It’s time to step into the modern HRMS age
Modern HRMS software is a must for any company. It’s easy to use, affordable, secure, and scalable all the things that make modern technology accessible to your employees. But what about that whole “modern” thing? What does that mean? In short, it means you can manage your business more efficiently than ever before by using a modern HRMS system like an attendance tracker. With an attendance tracker at your fingertips, you’ll be able to track attendance quickly and easily without having to worry about anything else!
It helps you keep track of your employees’ payroll
The attendance tracker is a time clock used to track the time that employees have worked, earned, and received paid for. This can be used for various purposes such as:
- Keeping track of employee attendance and sick leave.
- Calculating hourly rates.
- Calculating overtime rates.
It’s easy to set up
Setting up your attendance tracker is easy. It can be completed by you, a team member, or a consultant. It’s also possible to set up an attendance tracker system integrator, vendor, or partner that will help you monitor and manage employee attendance.
You’ll want to think about who should be responsible for creating the initial template of information needed for tracking employees’ hours so they will know what information they need on their own time. The best way to handle this is by assigning each employee an admin role when setting up the account.
There are many other amazing features that an Attendance Tracker can help you with
- You can easily and seamlessly track employee attendance from anywhere, whether it’s on the go or at home.
- It has a mobile app, which makes it easy for employees to access and use their tracker from anywhere in the world.
- If you want to get rid of paper reports, there is also an option for sending out electronic reports through email or SMS (text message). This will save time compared to having physical copies of documents lying around in your office building!
An Attendance Tracker is the easiest way to manage your employee attendance data
With an attendance tracker, you can easily set up and use a web-based solution that allows you to track employees’ attendance from anywhere at any time. It’s easy!
- Set Up: Create an account for all employees in seconds. Everyone at work will be able to access their own personal profile with a single click so they’ll know where they stand on their goals or who else needs help completing tasks around the office.
- Use: Once setup is complete, there are no limits when it comes time for reporting on hours worked during the week or month (or quarter). You can export these reports as much income taxes have been withheld from each paycheck because they’re sent automatically via email every month without having too much hassle involved.”
- The attendance tracker is a very useful tool that can be used to track the attendance of employees. It helps in keeping track of how many hours someone has been working and how much they have earned by doing so. This can help you reduce your payroll costs by reducing the time spent on employee-related tasks like handing out time cards and updating payroll records.