Pomegranate Farming Business in India – A Complete Guide

Pomegranate Farming Business in India - A Complete Guide

Pomegranate, also known as Anar in Hindi, is a commercial crop grown in India. Its origin was back in Persia. It contains a lot of carbs, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin C. Pomegranate is delicious as fresh fruit, and its juice is cool and refreshing. Along with the juice, every part of the pomegranate has some medicinal value. We used its root and peel to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, and worm infestations in the intestines. Its petals are used to make dyes. Pomegranate is a also significant crop in Maharashtra. Pomegranate is also grown on a small scale in Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana.

Soil for Pomegranate Farming

We can grow it in a variety of soil conditions. It required deep loamy and alluvial soils for optimal growth and yield. The plant also grows well in loamy and slightly alkaline soils. It is also grown in poor soils. Moreover, Pomegranate cultivation is also possible in medium and black soils. Apart from this, you should plough the land with quality Disc Plough. 

Popular Varieties for Pomegranate Farming

Bhagwa: Larger fruit size, sweet, bold, appealing arils, glossy, saffron-coloured thick skin. This variety, which matures in mid-October, was found to be less susceptible to fruit spots and thrips than other varieties. It produces an average of 14 kg per tree.

Land Preparation for Pomegranate Farming

Plough the land twice or three times to achieve a fine tilth. Following that, plank the ground to make it level and uniform. You can prepare land with advanced farm machines, which can be reasonable too. For example, the rotavator price is affordable, and the work is excellent. 

Sowing for Pomegranate Farming

Sowing occurs primarily in the months of December and January. Optimal spacing is determined by soil type and climate. For example, when planting pomegranates, use a 4m x 4m spacing if using a square planting system.

Sowing Depth: About a month before planting, dig pits 60 x 60 x 60 cm in size. For a fortnight, leave holes open in the sun. We then filled the hollows with topsoil that we had mixed with 20kg of farmyard manure and 1 kg of superphosphate. Apply water after filling the pit. It helps to settle the soil.

Transplanting is the method of sowing used. The air layering method is also used to propagate pomegranate. Air layering is done during the rainy season as well as the months of November and December. Select one to two-year-old, healthy, mature shoots with a length of 45-60cm and a pencil thickness for air layering.

Seed Rate for Pomegranate Farming

There are 240 plants per acre. Dip seedlings or cuttings in an IBA solution of 1000PPM@1gm/litre of water before sowing.

Intercropping for Pomegranate Farming

Intercropping is possible for the first two to three years. As an intercrop, consider vegetables, legumes, or green manure crops.

Fertiliser for Pomegranate Farming

In December, apply 5-6 kg Farmyard manure to a one-year-old plant. Every year, also apply Urea at a rate of 50gm per plant in two equal parts. The first dose is given in March, and the second dose is given in April. After 5 years, begin applying urea at a rate of 250gm per plant.

Irrigation for Pomegranate Farming

In the summer, apply water every 10-15 days, and in the winter, increase the interval to every 20-25 days.

Weed Control for Pomegranate Farming

Mulching can be used to control weeds. It also helps to conserve moisture and reduces evaporation loss in addition to weed control.

Plant Protection 

  • Thrips: If a thrips infestation is found, apply a spray of Fipronil 80 per cent WP@20ml/15Ltr of water.
  • Fruit Fly: It lays eggs on the rind/skin of fruits. They feed on pulp after hatching. Affected fruits rot and then fall. Maintain field cleanliness. Spray Carbaryl 50WP@2-4gm or Quinalphos 25EC@2ml/Ltr of water during flowering and fruit development.
  • The Mealy Bug’s nymphs begin crawling on trees and feeding on young flowers. It also secretes a honeydew-like substance, and black mould grows on it. In the months of November and December, fasten a 25cm wide Polythene (400gauge) strip around the tree trunk to prevent nymph ascent before egg hatching. Keep the orchard clean. If an infestation is discovered, spray Thiamethoxam [email protected]/Ltr or Imidaclopird 17 [email protected]/Ltr of water.
  • Aphid: If an aphid infestation is detected, use a spray of Thiamethoxam [email protected]/Ltr or Imidacloprid @0.35ml/Ltr of water.
  • If a shot hole borer infestation is discovered, use a spray of Chlorpyriphos20EC@2ml/Ltr or Cypermethrin@60ml/150Ltr to control it.
  • Fruit spots: If an infestation is discovered, apply a spray of Mancozeb or Copper oxychloride at a rate of 2.5gm/Ltr of water.
  • Fruit rot: Use a spray of Streptocycline@50gm + Copper oxychloride@400gm/150Ltr of water to control fruit rot. Fifteen days after the first spray, apply a second coat.
  • Wilt: If an infestation is observed, apply a drenching of Carbendazim@5gm/5Ltr to the infected plant and other plants in the vicinity of the diseased plants.

Pruning And Training

Training and pruning aid in the development of new, healthy shoots. It removes old and diseased branches while also preventing branch overcrowding. It also provides good shape of plant.


Fruits mature in 5-6 months after flowering. When the colour of the fruit changes from green to light yellow or red, indicating that the fruit is ripening, it is time to harvest. Delays in harvesting will result in fruit cracking and, as a result, yield loss.

Post Harvesting 

Fruits were stored in the shade for a week after harvesting. It will aid in the hardening of the fruit skin. As a result, minor damage is observed during transportation. Weight is used to classify fruits.

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