Kitchen gardening ideas Expert tips


There’s never been an ideal time to begin exploring ideas for kitchen gardens. Grow your own is trendy and you’ll be able to see the reason why after you’ve tried your first tomatoes or sweetcorn cobs straight off the vine.

There is nothing better than the pleasure of eating homegrown food and it tastes better as well. It’s great for your health since you’ll be able to relax when planting and caring for your plants. In addition, there’s the joy of picking your fresh fruits and vegetables.



Organic gardening is a healthier option because you’ll be able to grow your own food. It’s easy to plant fresh herbs, crisp salad leaves and spicy chillies that spice up your meals.


It is essential to plant only small amounts of high-quality plants with large yields. Avoid high-maintenance crops (pass on cauliflowers, celery) Instead, opt for easy crops such as the greens that are lush and sweet, peas that taste great right out of the pod and pots that are full of gorgeous strawberries.


No matter what the space available isn’t. You can still be creative and plant vertically using layers of pots or a roof that is living. There are many space-smart gardening ideas that you can use.

Kitchen garden ideas Chennai

Kitchen garden ideas – a beginner’s guide


“Growing your own garden is a lifestyle as a horticulturist Jamie Innes of Artisan Landscapes (opens in a new tab) She studied at the famous Kew Gardens in London. It’s a way of combining sustainability along with health, as well as a desire for more connection to the natural world. It takes you away from social media and the other stresses of modern life, and lets you be committed to something totally different.’


Our round-up of the best ideas for kitchen gardens will encourage the style of your garden and allow you to get to work on planning your kitchen garden from the practical viewpoint.


1. By dividing your space, you can create an outdoor garden for potagers

If you’re looking for a classic vegetable plot, aim for an orderly and well-organized plan with elevated beds and paths. This is called”potager” “potager”. It is divided into four areas, ideally with paths, with the central area being a tiny, circular bed if you have the space.


‘The four beds are then divided into different plants,’ says the expert in plant science Sarah Raven (opens in new tab). One bed is used for root vegetables, divided into new beetroot, potatoes and carrots. The second one is for legumes, which are plants like beans and peas. The third should be used to make salads and for herbs. The last can be used to mix courgettes, sweetcorn and leafy greens like chard or spinach.


2. Create an entry point into your kitchen garden

Gardening in enclosed spaces is ideal because you can plant vertically and horizontally. You can also make use of these devices to make a space between your ideas for a garden in your kitchen and the rest of your space.


They can also be used as support for climbing plants such as beans or pumpkins. This will allow more space to plant crops on the ground. Aaron Bertelsen, Great Dixter’s Aaron Bertelsen, says that limited space can inspire creativity.


It is possible to attach planters or shelves to the wall. Pots can be placed on ladders or steps. Pots on hangers can double the size of windows in a box.


3. Take your vegetables for a meal in containers

You can grow vegetables even in tiny spaces, but it is important to remember to move the containers around to ensure they don’t become crowded. Raise beds and giant planters are a great way to plant vegetables. Make them into mini vegetable gardens that you can cultivate throughout the year.


4. Choose crops that look good too

Vegetables that are easy to grow and have Instagram appeal will get a tick. They can be planted in containers, or even among other flowers to stand out.


Swiss Chard’s gorgeous gold stems and ruby red color makes it an ideal ornamental plant.


Another beautiful plant is beetroot. It is a similar plant with green leaves with red veins to globes and requires little effort to grow.


Also, you must have ripe tomatoes, glossy strawberries. Peas in a Pod and pretty herbs are all good options.

About Hariththarang

HarithTharang has very unique theme for all its products, the theme is a mix of being ecologically friendly, innovative and elegant. The products cover a wide variety of natural materials including, coconut tree derivatives, bamboo derivatives, recycled home goods, recycled plastics and other such natural or recyclable materials and Best Plant Shop in Chennai. The shop also provides services in developing house gardens, terrace gardens, balcony gardens, kitchen gardens, terrariums and professional maintenance of gardens.

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