FTC Accept A Winston “No Additive” Cigarette Ads

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R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. has agreed to resolve Federal Trade Commission accusations that it’s marketing for Winston “no additives “cigarettes are misleading. The agency argued that Reynolds indicated in its marketing. Without a reasonable basis. Winston Cigarettes Price are safer smoke contain no additives.

Under the settlement. Which the FTC has approved for public comment. Reynolds agreed to put the following conspicuous notice in future Winston Cigarettes Price ads: “No additives in our tobacco does NOT imply a safer cigarette.”

According to the FTC’s Director of Consumer Protection Jodie Bernstein, “Reynolds’ notice. This clear up any impression that cigarettes without chemicals are safer to smoke cigarettes. Frankly. There’s no such thing as a Safe Smoke which is available on Winston Coupons.

The Physical Features

The use of materials tobacco in the production of cigarettes has been a topic of considerable concern for some years. The FTC stated. Certain chemicals are used to modify the flavor of the cigarette. Are considered impact the physical features of the cigarette, such as its burn rate.

According to the FTC’s lawsuit describing the accusations, Reynolds asserted since contain no chemicals, Winston Cigarettes Price are less harmful equivalent cigarettes include additives.

Among other reasons, the FDA stated, the smoke from Winston cigarettes, like the smoke from other cigarettes, includes various carcinogens and poisons.

A Notice In Advertising For Winston

The proposed settlement would force Reynolds to publish a notice in most advertising for Winston or any other tobacco products Reynolds markets as having no additives. According to the proposed order. The disclaimer must be placed in all advertising. For Winston no-additive cigarettes. Tegardless of whether such advertising incorporates a “no additives” claim. year commencing no later July 15, 1999.

The notice must included. In any Winston Cigarettes Price advertising. That indicates (via such terms as “no additives” or “100 percent tobacco”) that the product has no additives. The statement is not necessary if Reynolds has scientific proof indicating “no additives” cigarette provides significantly fewer health hazards cigarettes.

The Size Of The Surgeon General’s Warning

There must be a rectangular box 40 percent the size of the Surgeon General’s warning in a clear and prominent. Location disclosure to required. As part of the proposed settlement.

In 1984. Congress revised the Federal Winston Cigarettes Price Labeling and Advertising Act. To compel cigarette makers to provide to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. A list of all components added to the cigarettes they manufactured. The Secretary submit to Congress component he or she feels poses a health concern to smokers, even if the information remains private.

Concurring Statement From Commissioner Orson Swindle For Winston

The Commission voted 4-0 to accept the proposed consent agreement for public comment “In light of the facts, I have voted to accept consent agreement for public comment, includes a one-year corrective statement Winston Cigarettes Price advertisements.

As of August 1997. Winston Cigarettes Price “no additives” advertising campaign. Rolled out the United States.

Ads claiming “no additives” are interpreted. By many customers. Suggest Winston Cigarettes Price less dangerous cigarettes. And such a health claim is probably essential to consumers in their purchase choices, based on my interpretation of the records.

The Minds Of Winston Consumers

I believe that the implicit health claim will remain in the minds of consumers for a year. Corrected statement size scope continuing marketing campaign. As a smoker myself.

The proposed consent order’s corrective advertising remedy has my approval.”

The 60-Day Public Comment Period Ends,

The Commission will determine whether to make the agreement official. FTC Office of the Secretary 600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washington DC 20580 is the place to send your thoughts.

It should noted. That a consent agreement is merely for settlement. Reasons and does not represent an acknowledgment of a law infringement in and of itself.

It has the authority of law over any subsequent acts. A civil penalty of $11,000 may be imposed for each infraction of such an order.

FTC’s Proposed Consent Order

Copies of the FTC’s proposed consent order. Complaint, and an analysis of the proposed consent order available on the FTC’s website at: http://www.ftc.gov. And at the FTC’s Consumer Response Center. Room 130, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue. NW, Washington D.C 20580, and at 202–FTC–HELP (202-2382-4357).TDD for the hearing impaired 1-866-653-4261. Call 202-326-3627 to inquire about consent agreements that are open to public review. Call the FTC NewsPhone recording at 202-326-2710 to get the latest news.



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