Diabetic patients should practice Ling mudra daily

Diabetic patients should practice Ling mudra daily

Diabetes patients can do Ling mudra to control their blood sugar levels. Know the benefits of this mudra and how to do it-

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. Nowadays every second person is troubled by the problem of diabetes. Fatigue, headache, weak immunity, frequent urination, and blurred vision are the main symptoms of diabetes. Due to diabetes, the sugar level in the blood of the patient starts increasing, due to which many other diseases arise. If you want to keep your blood sugar level under control, then along with a healthy diet, exercise, and yoga, you can also include this mudra in your lifestyle. Diabetes can be kept under control to a great extent with the regular practice of this mudra. By doing this mudra, a diabetic patient can keep himself healthy. Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on the 14th of November, so on this occasion, we are going to tell you about how Ling mudra is beneficial for diabetes.

Yoga is very important for diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels under control. In this, you can also practice Ling mudra.

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What is ling mudra?

Ling mudra is a mudra in which both the palms are interlocked. This enables them to concentrate and maintain their flow within the body. In this, the focus is on the thumb and the thumb symbolizes the fire element in the human body. This mudra works to strengthen the fire element. This Mudra is yoga, in which one has to meditate. It is also a meditation posture. By doing this yoga, positive energy increases in the body, mind, and body. It helps to calm the mind. Energy is transmitted by doing this mudra. If you want to overcome the problems of cold, cold, etc., then you can practice this mudra regularly.

How is ling mudra effective in diabetes?

Meditation is done in this mudra. It is beneficial in removing and preventing many problems. If it is done in diabetes, it helps in keeping the blood sugar level under control. This mudra is very effective for diabetic patients. This keeps the sugar level under control. In addition, it also increases metabolism. So if you are a diabetic or a diabetic patient, you can practice this mudra daily. Diabetic patients get a lot of benefits from doing ling mudra regularly for 30-45 minutes.

How to do Ling mudra:

This mudra can be done very easily. You should do this only in a calm, clean environment.

  • To do this mudra, first of all, lay down a yoga mat in a calm environment.
  • Sit on this in Siddhasana.
  • Close both your eyes. During this, focus on your breath.
  • After this, bring your left hand near the stomach and keep the right hand on it with a fist.
  • Now keep your thumb straight. Focus on this.
  • You can stay in this posture for 10-15 minutes.

This mudra can be performed at any time in the morning and evening.

Benefits of Ling mudra:-

You can get many health benefits by doing this mudra. It transmits heat and energy in the body, hence it is also called mudra of heat and energy. Ling Mudra helps in increasing heat, heat in the body. Doing linga mudra is more beneficial in the winter season, as it increases heat or heat in the body.

1. Beneficial in respiratory diseases

Ling mudra is considered extremely beneficial for health. Ling mudra is a very good mudra for the respiratory system. It also protects against respiratory diseases and asthma problems. By doing regular practice of Ling mudra, the phlegm accumulated in the throat is easily removed. By doing this, the problem of cough also gets rid. It also makes the lungs strong.

2. Increase the body’s immunity

Strong immunity helps you to fight against diseases. That’s why you should always keep your immunity strong. Often in winter, the immune system becomes weak, due to which common diseases like cold, cold, cough, and fever have to be faced. But by practicing Ling Mudra, you can increase your immunity. Ling mudra also protects from weather-related problems. Ling Mudra is helpful in increasing immunity.

3. Beneficial in Weight Loss

You can practice this Mudra to keep the weight under control. If you are overweight, then doing Ling Mudra is very beneficial in this situation. You can do this Mudra 2-3 times a day for weight loss. Practicing Ling Mudra helps in burning calories. It burns extra fat, and calories from the body and reduces obesity.

4. Relief from the problem of blood pressure

Nowadays the problem of blood pressure has become very common. Most people are facing this problem. If you are also troubled by the problem of blood pressure, then you can practice Ling Mudra regularly. By doing this Mudra, the blood pressure remains under control. This Mudra can be done to keep blood pressure under control.

5. Beneficial in increasing energy

Due to the day’s work, fatigue, and busy schedule, there is a lack of energy in the body. In this condition both the body and the mind get tired. In such a situation, Ling Mudra can be practiced. This gives instant energy to the body. It helps in providing energy to the body, mind, and soul. It is a good way to increase energy in winter.

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You can also practice Ling Mudra to keep diabetes or blood sugar levels under control. Apart from keeping the blood sugar level under control, doing this Mudra also provides many other benefits. But in case of any problem, you should do it only on the advice of experts.


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