Health Issues
Many men are completely unaware of their health issues until it’s too late, and that’s simply not good enough. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 9 common men’s health issues that you should watch out for. Learn about the dangers of heart disease, osteoporosis, hydrocele and some less talked about ailments like hemorrhoids, sleep apnea, and fertility problems so you can take care of yourself before it’s too late!
Skin Cancer
While skin cancer is often thought of as a woman’s health issue, male skin cancer is actually much more common than you might think. About two in three cases of skin cancer are caused by exposure to UV rays, which can lead to redness, sunburn and other symptoms. Don’t let your complexion fool you — it doesn’t just affect women. To protect yourself from developing serious issues like basal cell carcinoma or melanoma (both types of skin cancer), wear sunscreen daily and consider an at-home self-exam to monitor for any suspicious changes in your moles or spots.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a major health issue for men, and it is also one of those diseases that has a particularly nasty history of taking its victims by surprise. It isn’t exactly known for being talkative, but there are often warning signs along the way. There are few symptoms at first because your body reacts to prostate cancer very differently than you might expect. It’s not going to cause any pain or discomfort; instead, it produces testosterone as it grows. Eventually, though, your body may begin to notice something wrong, and that’s when doctors can intervene.
Symptoms for hydrocele vary, and a doctor can determine if surgery is necessary. Your doctor might recommend Home Remedies for Hydrocele, such as splinting your scrotum to help relieve discomfort from swelling or taking warm baths that promote circulation in affected areas. It may take several weeks or months for swollen tissue to return to normal, so you need to wait until symptoms have subsided before resuming physical activity. The longer you wait after a hydrocele resolves, however, the greater your chances of complications that make it harder for your scrotum and testicles to function normally later on.
Heart Disease
Heart disease is among one of, if not the most common men’s health issues. While many believe heart disease affects only those over 40 or over 60, it can strike anyone at any time. Heart disease happens when a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside your arteries and reduces blood flow to your heart. The result is poor circulation which can eventually lead to heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, there are often no symptoms for early stages of heart disease and men may not realize there is anything wrong until a severe case arises. The best way to combat heart disease is to work on lowering cholesterol levels through exercise and healthy eating habits. Such as limiting red meat and dairy products while increasing vegetable intake.
A lot of men tend to focus on their physical health and neglect their mental health, which can lead to stress. A major cause of stress is overwork and not getting enough rest. Make sure you are taking care of yourself physically by getting plenty of sleep each night (at least seven hours) and doing regular exercise. I would also recommend seeing a doctor for a check-up if you have been feeling stressed or anxious for longer than usual; these are often early signs that something more serious is wrong.
Diabetes affects men at a higher rate than women, and while lifestyle is a big reason why, research shows it might also be genetic. And since most male-related issues are related to that area—including erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer. It can make men extra vulnerable to developing diabetes. To keep your risk low, talk to your doctor about what you can do to manage diabetes—and while they may not give you any prescriptions (unless there are legitimate side effects or you need specific tests), they might recommend using Herbal Care Products. Regularly using these supplements has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels naturally in diabetic patients. Who aren’t responding well to traditional medicine.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is when a person’s breathing temporarily stops or gets shallow during sleep. This can lead to serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, loud snoring, gasping for air at night, waking up with a headache, or feeling drowsy during daytime activity, it is time to make an appointment with your doctor. A lot of times sleep apnea goes undiagnosed and without treatment you could be putting yourself at risk. For more serious health problems down the road. The good news is that there are a number of effective treatments available including surgery. If necessary so there is no reason to put off getting help!
It may not seem like a men’s health issue, but depression affects about 12 percent of men and can lead to decreased productivity at work, strained relationships with family and friends, and even suicide. Men may be less likely than women to seek treatment for depression. Especially since they don’t always recognize their symptoms or understand that it’s an illness.
The good news is that it’s treatable; talk to your doctor if you suspect you might be suffering from depression. And while there are medications (antidepressants) specifically designed for treating men, cognitive behavioral therapy is also effective in many cases. It helps people identify unhelpful thoughts and actions that contribute to their depression—and offers techniques for overcoming them.
The silent killer of health, stress can affect every part of your body. It not only increases blood pressure and heart rate. But it also affects your kidneys, lungs, digestive system and even brain function. The easiest way to reduce stress is to exercise; get enough sleep; manage any anger issues you might have; reduce your alcohol intake if you drink too much; eat a healthy diet (avoiding junk food); and surround yourself with positive people.